30 Day Free Returns

You have 30 days from the date of delivery to return the product(s) you bought on UCOBO.com free of charge.

Please note, you will need:

  • Your order number. Found in your order confirmation email.
  • Your email address used to place the online order.
  • Send an email with the information above to returns@ucobo.com

  • Once you have sent the email, lean back and relax. We will notify you via email once your return is received at our warehouse. From receipt of this email, it will take approximately 10 work days until the money will show in your bank account.
Tips For Returning Your Item:

Package the return shipment securely. Use the original packaging when possible. Affix the return label to the outside of the package. Please remove or cover all old labels and barcodes.


At this time UCOBO is unable to offer exchanges, but we’re working on it!

For now, you may return your original item and place a new order for the item you’d like instead.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.